I became the guardian of a slave girl, who had been abused by her last owner. At first glance, when she was already with me, the situation we found ourselves in was strange. She was naturally distrusting, but through communication we became friendly. We made a connection, and we became friends. I bought her new clothes, and she wore them. As time passed, I started to feel something different... and thinking now I think... I have finished up fall in love with her. Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- revolves around the daily life of a doctor, who ends up becoming the guardian of a slave girl formerly abused by his last owner. As the game begins, the player is given options to which can determine the personality of doctor, over the days of the game.Genre:
Android Version Mod V3.0.22:
Note: if ouo.io change it to ouo.press
- Not the Latest Version and that's pretty much it
Q and A:
Q:Which mod does it have?
A: Everything
Q:Why is named "Teaching Feeling MV"?
A:cause its "Modded Version", so It also doesn't conflict if let say you want to update the v4.0.66
Q:Does it need Additional Program to install to run?
A:No already fix that issue
Android Version v4.0.6 Latest January 2024 Translation:
Note: if ouo.io change it to ouo.press
- X button Doesn't work
- Wardrobe not Translated
- Rag Clothes doesn't show
- Clothe Shop not translated
- Sex Option not translated
- Cheat menu in the start new game is also not translated
Q and A:
Q:Why don't you fix it?
A: I can't fix i since they're updating the translation and that is something i don't want to get mixed into while that is in progress since i have to constantly fix it every version if i do it now
Q:Does it need Additional Program to install to run?
A:No already fix that issue
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